With thousands of individuals retiring every day, some of the top questions on their minds are, “How can I generate an income to last for the rest of my life?” and “How do I protect myself from longevity risk?” We provide solutions and answers to these common questions. Our goal is to help retirees feel more confident in knowing their income will last for the rest of their lives.
Financial technology is developing at a rate like never before. With the tools and resources available today, we can better provide smart portfolio management that has, historically, never been possible like it is right now. Our money management is intelligent, proactive, and simple.
With over 100 different options for how and when to take Social Security benefits, many retirees wonder about the best strategy. We help by optimizing Social Security with in-depth analysis of your individual situation to determine when to take your benefits and how to file. Understanding how your Social Security income is taxed is also a priority for many retirees. Our experience with benefits helps us show you how to increase your income and reduce taxes.
Does life insurance even make sense at this stage of life? We believe there isn’t a more efficient way to transfer wealth and plan a legacy than with life insurance. It takes pennies on the dollar to add this tax-free death benefit to surviving spouses and loved ones.
It is an important part of every retirement plan to have an estate strategy to help protect your legacy. We work with skilled attorneys with an expertise in living wills, trusts, powers of attorney, and other estate planning documents to make sure your legacy is transferred to who you want, when you want them to receive it.
There are more options today than in history for your IRA funds or 401(k) qualified dollars. We provide various options to help grow and protect your retirement dollars. A tax-free rollover may be simpler than you thought possible if you meet the requirements.
Many retirees are considering fixed index annuities (FIAs) as a great option for their retirement funds because FIAs offer the opportunity to earn interest based on an external market index with no market downside. These unique products offer the potential for a steady lifetime income without the same market volatility experienced in 401(k)s and other employee-sponsored retirement plans. We offer a complimentary annuity review for all those in our community who want to understand their existing annuities or potential annuities.
Begin your financial journey with Edwards Investments by requesting a complimentary financial consultation.
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